Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where to next?

Well I am gearing up for my trip to Georgia and getting excited to see my daughter and grandkids.  It's always so much fun to be with them and part of their lives, it just doesn't seem possible that Claire is 3 and Everett is 2 already! I am going to be taking a small break from creating but will be working while down south. I have a couple of small things to work on and will be back full swing the week of the 20th. There will be most definitely more dragons and griffins but am also working on Unicorns, little fairies and mermaids! There are literally not enough hours in the day and I have to get my beauty sleep or I am unfit to be around lol. Thanks so much for all the positive feedback on Facebook everyone and maybe someday you will see me gracing the magazine PolymerCafe? lol I WISH! I will be in touch and don't hesitate to contact me if you are looking to adopt a critter.

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