Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Felting Adventures!

Time for felting had dwindled a bit with work becoming very busy. Tattooing has it's busy times and not so busy times, well we are in the "tourist season" so to speak so felting has slowed considerably. I have managed to complete my new Bear Miss Claudine! I also have another bear that I began then ran out of the color wool batt that I needed. That is on it's way so I will be able to finish that one soon. My other project was to try another animal. I was inspired recently by a photo on Teddy Bear & Friends, the Spring 2010 issue. There are two Piggy's on the cover and both are made a bit differently with different mediums. The large is needle felted, then painted and it's just adorable, well they both are but I loved the bigger one especially. I have a stockpile of off white felting wool here so decided to give it a try. She's pretty much finished needle felting wise and I will attempt to paint her and bring her to life. I hope you enjoy! Ms. Claudine is a 5 way thread jointed miniature Teddy Bear made of Merino Cross Felting Batts. She sits about 2 3/4" tall as does her piggy friend. I will be posting her up on Artfire soon.
Everyone have a great week and lets hope for some warm weather soon! Lj