Saturday, October 9, 2010

Treasure Boxes, Chaucers Sister and Things Forgotten

While working to finish the piece I am calling "Things Forgotten", I became a bit sidetracked and also started a treasure box. This will probably be something I will be making more of and can be used for small trinkets, fairy dust, notes, gift cards, etc. I am really drawn to the make it up as you go thing and incorporating all kinds of things and techniques into one piece. These won't be very big about the size of a gift card box. Once that was finished I went back in to my bigger piece "Things Forgotten" and finished it. I will be mounting this to something to make it more of a picture to display.  THEN, I went to making Chaucer a sister snail and another really small sort of woodland snail.  I have been busy and loving every minute of it.  I do get overwhelmed though at times and have to pull back as there is just so much going on in my head for ideas and just not enough time! lol. I have a couple of tutorials that I purchased and will be working on those very soon. Will post pictures for those when they are finished. Hope you like and most likely a couple of these will find themselves on Artfire or Etsy. Peace.

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